How to Drink Properly on Vacation

There is nothing like a refreshing pina colada, mojito or beer while on vacation. And given the way things are now – with travel restrictions and the need for social distancing – we all will definitely need some kind of vacation at some point, if not now. And when that day arrives, the drinks will surely be poured out.

But we must also remember that spoiled alcohol can be dangerous while you are on vacation abroad , and there are other unpleasant reasons why drinking outside of your usual habit can be unsafe, even when you order a simple cup. soda or non-alcoholic cocktail.

What is tainted alcohol?

Spoiled alcohol is largely illegal alcohol. It is not regulated and it is not legal to manufacture, sell or make any profit. A common practice when making tainted alcohol is to add methanol, an ingredient found in antifreezes, as well as in fruit juices and fermented drinks (albeit in very small amounts). It is toxic if swallowed in large portions and can be fatal if consumed.

According to the World Health Organization :

Problems arise when higher concentrations are generated during improperly controlled distillation processes, especially when methanol is deliberately added to fortify informal spirits and illicit alcoholic beverages.

Ultimately, this means that the methanol is used to increase the alcoholic strength and is sold on the black market (illegally).

Matthew Johnson, associate professor at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, says the most common alcohol additive is “the use of scopolamine, phencyclidine (PCP), or methaqualone.

You can find out if any facility you are traveling has received tainted or counterfeit alcohol reports by visiting The SafeProof founder says, “The only way to tell for sure [alcohol is tainted] is with a laboratory test, which is obviously simply not possible in most cases.”

Symptoms of tainted alcohol

The symptoms of drinking tainted alcohol are difficult to detect because they almost reflect the feeling of being drunk. The World Health Organization states that symptoms include:

  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Vomit
  • Abdominal pain
  • Dyspnea
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision

The final effects can lead to blindness, coma, and death from respiratory arrest.

Drink what you see

Just as you watch your Subway sandwich making, you should watch your cocktails get together . Seeing your drinks cooked right in front of you can give you a red flag right away if you’ve added something that doesn’t belong. This, of course, doesn’t stop the establishment from pouring spoiled booze into a familiar bottle, but at least it gives you some control.

Use a straw taste test

Like any good bartender who wants to make sure he serves delicious drinks to your diners, practice the art of dipping a straw into your drink while pressing down on the top to keep its contents inside, allowing you to take a little taste test. By tasting your drink in smaller doses, you can potentially save yourself from the aftertaste of alcohol, which indicates that it is tainted or could potentially harm you.

As USA Today Kimberly See, Nurse and Director of Support for Allianz Global Assistance USA, said, if you are suspicious of the color or taste of your drink, “trust your instincts and don’t drink it.”

Check for anything floating around

Beverage additives can be colorless and odorless, which means that a taste test or a simple look won’t be enough. However, in circumstances where someone may have put blood paste (rofilin) ​​or another type of drug into your drink, you may see something floating in the liquid – so check ..

PCP when ground up can look like powdered sugar if not completely dissolved. Look into the glass while looking through the bottom to see if you might find any unexpected substances that have not been completely mixed or dissolved.

If in doubt, check it out

If you need extra peace of mind, you can bring along test strips that will quickly allow you to determine the presence of certain so-called “date rape drugs” such as GHB and ketamine in your drink; this post on Bustle recommends the SipChip and SABER Drink Test Kit .

Leave the drink

If you are going to dance with friends or need to go to the toilet and don’t want to take a drink with you, if you can’t leave your drink in the hands of a trusted friend, leave him.

Unscrupulous people may spot tourists a mile away and just wait for you to put down a cup, bottle, or glass. In the party mood, you won’t notice that someone else has done something to your drink until it’s too late. So if you need to leave it unattended, forget to finish it.

In a preliminary study of 969 people by, 44% of men and 56% of women reported that they unknowingly consumed beverages (or food) with additives, with 37% having consumed beverages (or food) with additives several times. In these cases, the data will always vary based on location, age, and other source variables, but close observation can help keep you safe.


In situations where at all possible, you can bring your own bottles. Heading to the airport duty free shop is the best way to get the wine, liquor or liquor you like best and be sure it isn’t tainted or tainted. played with. While you might not be able to bring your own bottles to commercial establishments, it’s a fantastic idea if you’re staying on Airbnb or on a private property where you can be your very own in-house bartender. You can also double check your resorts to see if they allow you to BYOB.

Any spirits sold at the airport are highly regulated, so your duty-free shopping will be safe.


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