How to Create a New Sound Tweet in IOS

iOS: Twitter yesterday launched a new feature that allows you to tweet audio recordings directly from its iOS app (sorry Android fans). You still can’t edit spelling mistakes in your tweets, but now you can annoy all your followers by posting audio messages that they have to listen to.

First, make sure you’ve updated the Twitter iOS app to the latest version. Launch it, start the process of creating a new tweet, and look for the purple wavelength-like icon that appears to the left of your camera icon (for a blank message), or the icon you click to insert images into your images (for a message that you write)

Tap this icon to record audio – up to 140 seconds per tweet, with any excess shown as a new tweet linked to the previous one.

If you don’t see this option, guess what? This is a feature rollout, which means you are not in the first club to play with this option. You will end up with an audio recording feature, so keep checking. In the meantime, you (and everyone else) will be able to listen to everyone else’s audio messages that begin to infiltrate Twitter.

I admit, hearing how people actually sound can be a frustrating experience – as I’m sure most people already have a voice in their head that they subconsciously assign to others when they read their stinging news.

Fortunately, it doesn’t seem like there should be a way for the DM people to voice you or reply to your tweets with a voice message (for now), which hopefully lessens the likelihood that some frustrated Twitter user will give you a scolding for something. you publish. And you can still report audio tweets just like you would any other post – it’s good to know when the next time someone blasts you with some screaming, profanity-filled message. That said, given how difficult it is to moderate an audio message compared to a snippet of text, I have little hope for this new feature.

And, seriously:


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