A Blender Bottle Makes a Great Cocktail Shaker

The blender bottle is an item owned and used by “healthy people”, so I never spent a lot of time thinking about it. But this little whisk inside a plastic spout bottle isn’t just for mixing protein powder – this whisk is made for the greatness of alcohol.

As you probably know, Beth Skorecki is a healthy person. Beth also loves beer and doesn’t have a cocktail shaker, but she does have a blender bottle because she usually picks up a lot of heavy stuff that requires a lot of protein and therefore drinks a lot of protein shakes. But like many of us, Beth also needs a fun cocktail from time to time, and she recently made one of the most sophisticated cocktails in cocktail canon , Ramos gin fizz, using her blender bottle.

Spoiler alert: This worked and it worked very well.

As you can see, Ramos is a frothy cocktail. It’s served with a foam bubble on top, and the little whisk inside the blender bottle – designed to … break up protein powder or something like that, I don’t know – does a great job of building this dome. It aerates and mixes, essentially whipping the egg whites into the meringue.

In fact, if you have a blender bottle, you really don’t need a cocktail shaker; If Beth can make Ramos in one, you can use it to make daiquiri, sour, or any drink that needs to be shaken well. This is especially useful if you like egg white in a sour sauce ; This whisk not only simplifies the creation of foam, but also allows you to see the inside of the bottle, which allows you to visually monitor the formation of foam. Simply add all the acidic ingredients to the blender bottle, shake slightly without ice (also known as “dry shake”) until you see foam, then add ice and shake to cool. Pour into a glass and you’re done.

This whisk promotes two things – violence and air – and this is what you need to create foam, with or without eggs. This little wire ball can even help create beautiful foam in egg-free drinks, as Sam Bitoni recently did with his whipped coffee frappe . It can also help make any cocktail very refreshing and airy. (Sam’s frappé is technically not alcoholic, but maybe if you try hard and believe in yourself.)

The Blender Bottle doesn’t come with a built-in filter, but that’s ok – you can buy one of these. Better yet, just grab a sieve and strain your drink through it – it can also be used for more than just cocktails, and I love the versatile kitchen utensils.


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