Are You Overly Reliant on Sleep or Anxiety Medications?

Even more than usual, our lives right now are shaped by stress, which results in many disturbing, sleepless nights. For many, this meant turning to sleeping pills or prescription sleeping pills. In fact, over the past few months, the number of prescriptions for anti- anxiety and sleeping pills has increased to such an extent that doctors are increasingly concerned that their patients might abuse or become addicted to drugs.

Benzodiazepines such as Klonopin, Xanax, Valium, and Ativan, as well as the sleeping pills Ambien and Lunesta, come with these risks, so there are a few things you need to know before deciding whether to use medication.

“The goal is to use these drugs in emergencies in the short term,” says Asim Shah , MD, professor and executive vice chairman of psychiatry at Baylor College of Medicine.

If you are suffering from debilitating anxiety or insomnia, these medications can offer much-needed but short-term relief.

“These drugs are very effective,” says Shah. “They work.”

However, benzodiazepines and prescription sleeping pills should not be used in the first place, and they are not intended for long-term use. As with all prescription drugs, your first and best resource is your doctor. If you are considering starting these medications or would like to know how you are currently taking these medications, talk to your doctor about your questions and concerns.

Benzodiazepines are for short-term use only.

The benzodiazepines – Ativan, Klonopin, Valium and Xanax – are drugs for short-term use. This can mean taking them daily for several weeks and then gradually reducing the dose, or taking them infrequently, as needed, for a longer period of time.

Examples of this type of use could include a person who has a panic attack once or twice a month and takes a dose of medication during the attack, or someone who develops debilitating anxiety for which benzodiazepines serve as a short-term medicine, for a longer period. … a short-term, non-addictive drug can be prescribed and it will be effective.

Two weeks of benzodiazepines is usually too much

A good indicator that overuse is becoming a problem is that the patient has been taking these drugs daily for more than two weeks without a plan to taper the dosage.

“The problem is people take it every day for weeks or months,” Shah says. “They are not meant for [this].”

If you have been taking these medicines every day for more than two weeks, Shah said, you need a plan for how you will get rid of them. The good news is that if your anxiety is chronic, there are non-addictive medications like Prozac or Lexapro that can offer long-term relief.

For these drugs, “the long-term safety profile is better than benzodiazepines,” Shah says. Typically, for chronic anxiety, benzodiazepines are used as a temporary solution to help relieve anxiety until other medications take effect.

Excessive use of benzodiazepines can cause drowsiness, confusion, dizziness, blurred vision, poor coordination, and memory loss. Addiction can also lead to withdrawal symptoms and even seizures if someone stops taking them abruptly. Withdrawal symptoms are rare with short-term use of benzodiazepines, but can become a serious problem with longer use.

Prescription sleep aids should be the last resort

Sleeping aids such as Lunesta and Ambien should be your last resort for chronic insomnia as they are not designed for long-term use. They generally should not be used for more than a month and it is important to stick to the correct dosage.

Before resorting to these drugs, there are a number of other approaches to try first, including working on good sleep habits , such as setting a daily routine before bed and avoiding using electronic devices before bed. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia can also help, which affects sleep habits and misconceptions about sleep.

If you’ve tried unsuccessfully to change your sleep, the next step is to use over-the-counter sleeping pills such as melatonin , which have been shown to be safe and non-addictive. “Melatonin is great because it regulates your normal sleep cycle,” says Shah.

There is also a prescription sleeping pill, Rozerem , which is not addictive and may be a stronger option.

Ambien and Lunesta should not be used for more than a month.

If, after trying all of these options, you still need help, Ambien or Lunesta may be helpful as a short-term sleeping pill.

“These are effective medicines, and when used correctly, they help us,” Shah says.

However, Ambien and Lunesta should not be taken for longer than a month, so do not start taking them without a plan for how to stop. They are also associated with the risk of side effects such as sleep walking, hallucinations, and the risk of falling, especially in the elderly. Be sure to follow the recommended dosage.

If you are in a point where your anxiety or insomnia has a significant impact on your life, prescription benzodiazepines or sleeping pills may offer short-term relief, but you need to be careful when using them. So talk to your doctor, make a plan, and proceed with caution.


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