Find Out What You Are Drinking From Flaviar’s School of Spirits

Being at home more often and the pandemic in general have changed many of our habits. Maybe you’re taking an Ivy League online course, or maybe doing some more exercise on a stationary bike. Or maybe you are like me and just drink a lot more than usual.

If you’ve made a few trips to this staple liquor store in the past few weeks, Flaviar offers you a free way to find out a little more about what you’re buying.

The perfume subscription service is now offering everyone free access to their ” School of Perfume “, a multi-part course where you can learn the basics of all these perfumes and possibly make smarter purchases the next time you hit the store.

The class is designed to be executed in stages. You start off with a short course on whiskey, and then when you’re done, you can unlock the next lesson, a course on rum.

Each course includes a written summary of the spirit, as well as a few short videos to help make it a little clearer.

All of this is written in such a way that it can be understood if everything you know about spirit is that you like it, but it still has some tidbits that might be of interest to enthusiasts too. Each of them can be completed in about an hour.

If you want to prank your bar when we can all go somewhere again and want to learn a thing or two along the way, it’s definitely worth checking out.


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