Create Digital Passports to Invite Friends to Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Happy Animal Crossing: New Horizons Day! While you were probably eager to start the long and arduous process of paying off another digital mortgage and shaping an island according to your creative vision, part of the fun of playing – playing with other people – will be slightly changed thanks to the coronavirus quarantine. You can pay for a Nintendo Switch Online subscription to visit other players’ islands (or invite them to yours), of course, but you both have to be friends (unless you share the “Dodo codes”, temporary “friendship number”). which you can use instead).

This sounds more confusing than it really is. However, making friends with someone on Switch can be a little annoying if you don’t use the “link to Facebook or Twitter” route or some variation of it. One person will have to send the other good old Nintendo friend code because it’s too easy to use the person’s online handle. And while it’s easy to type in a text message or Facebook chat, it lacks elegance.

For Animal Crossing: New Horizons players, I recommend heading over to the Dodo Airlines website. Not only is the name adorable, you can use it to create cute little Animal Crossing-themed passports that you can send to friends or post on social media to start your island tours.

All you have to do is enter your name, friend code, a cute name for your island and choose how you want your little avatar to look in your passport. You can even add up to six stamps for ultra high realism if you like. When you’re done, your passport will look something like this:

Perfect resemblance, if I say so. If that’s not enough, you can also use Dodo Airlines to create a small app for your island that allows you to provide even more detailed information: the specific fruit you like, who else in the Animal Crossing world is inhabiting it, and where it is (theoretically) located.

You can even make greeting cards on the site:

This is wonderful, isn’t it? Let these digital creations kickstart this year, which is sure to be an epic year of catching bugs, selling shells, and shoveling away. If I hadn’t been in Stardew Valley , I would have been there with you.


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