Use Google Advanced Protection to Protect Your Family Members From Android Malware

The Google Play Store unwittingly hosts malicious apps, and it seems like new batches are being discovered every two weeks . You should be fine if you follow basic data security protocols, use a robust anti-malware service, and vigilantly remove dangerous applications whenever they are discovered. But here’s the thing: These dubious app developers and hackers aren’t targeting users who are protecting their devices; they hunt your friends and family members who are unaware of the risks (or stubbornly ignore them).

If you know someone who needs an extra layer of protection between them and exploiting apps, or you want to improve the security of your own device, you should check out Google’s Advanced Security Program for Android, which now includes new anti-malware features.

The Advanced Protection Program adds additional security measures for devices and accounts, such as stricter login authentication requirements to prevent account hacking, anti-phishing features, and limited access to certain applications and data. As for the new anti-malware measures, the program now:

  • Prevents devices registered in the program from installing non-Play Store applications , which means no additional downloads.
  • Makes Google Play Protect mandatory. Google Play Protect scans Play Store apps for malware before installing them.
  • Scans all application activity on your device to detect potentially malicious activity.

However, there are exceptions to these application restrictions. Most importantly, some third-party apps and app stores, such as those preloaded on your phone or from trusted sources like Samsung, are not affected. Previously downloaded apps should still work unless they disable Advance Protection scans and users can download and update certain non-Play Store apps using the ADB tool on PC, but all other forms of sideloading are prohibited.

How to sign up for the Google Advanced Security Program

Google’s Advanced Security Program is primarily aimed at high-risk people such as journalists, politicians and other public figures, but it is open to everyone, including your Luddite family members, who do not understand data protection techniques or are unable to recognize potentially dangerous applications. from the real ones. You can enroll your Android device with Google’s Advanced Security Program, or help someone else enroll their device using this link .

Registration requires at least two electronic keys (your phone can probably serve as one, so you only need one), and there are some helpful videos on the website to guide you through the process. If your goal is to prevent a loved one from downloading malicious applications, you can create an account and add his device so that you are responsible for it – this way they will not disable protection, do not block themselves. device or accidentally change important settings.


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