Peloton Offers a 90-Day Free Trial of the App to Keep You Active

In an effort to socially distance yourself from others during the coronavirus outage, few will blame you if your typical exercise routine fades into the background. After all, touching shared equipment in a sweaty gym is a great way to get sick. But you still have the Internet, which means you have options.

If you crave this instructor-led class structure, Peloton – a company that makes high-quality bicycles and treadmills for home use – offers a 90-day free trial of their app, fully loaded with tons of activities. The app includes all the cycling and running lessons you would normally use with Peloton equipment, but it also has many other guided workouts that require no or very little equipment, such as yoga and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) … Some classes assume that you have a pair of dumbbells, but if not, then you probably have canned goods in your pantry that will help, right?

If you decide you like the app and want to keep it after the world starts working again as usual, it will cost you $ 12.99 a month. If you like sticking to a home workout schedule without monthly costs, we have a guide for that too .


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