Support Your Local Business by Purchasing Gift Cards to Use in the Aftermath of the Coronavirus Outbreak

If, due to coronavirus issues and social distancing, you are missing out on a trip to your local coffee shop, restaurant or theater, consider buying a gift card now.

Small local businesses often operate at extremely low margins, which means that a drop in sales of 20% or less could be detrimental to the survival of the business. Some are already struggling.

A gift card is a way to help support this business even if you are not interested (or cannot) patronize it during this crisis. The idea here is that you gave them some money to help them get over it, and you can use this card later on when social distancing is no longer needed.

This recommendation contains a few caveats: if you are sick or have been exposed to the coronavirus and are in quarantine, you should never go to this restaurant right now, even if it’s just buying a gift card. … Stay at home.

It’s even better if you can purchase this gift card online.

If you’re ordering takeaway while staying at home, now is also a good time to focus on ordering this food from smaller locations in your area. Chances are, Taco Bell and Chili’s will be able to survive a few months of falling sales, but that might not be the case for your local Mexican restaurant or burger. Pay attention to where you order from, and if you’re torn between a chain restaurant and your favorite smaller restaurant, maybe pick the little guy.


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