VHS VHS Internet Archive – the Goldmine of 1990s Pop Culture

If you’ve lost hours, if not days, watching old TV clips from your childhood on YouTube, set aside some time on your calendar because you’re about to lose another chunk of your adult life. The Internet Archive, also known as the Wayback Machine , currently has over 20,000 VHS recordings available for free viewing on its website.

While the VHS Vault has been around for a while, it has received a lot of additions recently thanks to an organization called the Vista Group, which has been uploading hundreds of new videos since the beginning of 2020, VICE reported .

So what gems will you find in the VHS Vault? Clips, shows and films cover the whole gamut, from instructional videos to documentaries, children’s programs and workout videos. Want to watch the 1935 film version of Les Miserables ? It’s over there. Want to train with Tracy Lords ? Your wish is the VHS Vault team. Want to watch every episode of Salute Your Shorts ? Get ready to spend time with Budnik, Dina and Ug Lee. How about getting to know Windows 95 with Jennifer Aniston and Matthew Perry? Yes, it exists, and it is there too.

New videos are added every day, so even if you work through everything you think you want to watch, new ones are waiting for them. While it’s not the most user-friendly site in the world, it’s relatively easy to search for videos by keywords in metadata or text content. You can also narrow it down by specifying who uploaded the video, what year it was uploaded, language, and themes and themes (like PBS, ads, Nickelodeon, and puppet).

Therefore, if you have to stay at home because you are not feeling well, you can do worse than spending a few hours watching these videos. Better yet, you don’t even have to rewind them.


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