How to Improve Traction When Rope Climbing

We learned this month that each grip is slightly different. We worked on crush grip , supportive grip , grab grip and open grip . Now let’s look at something unusual: the grip you need to hold something vertical, like a rope.

Here, grip strength in other areas will help you, but your wrist is in a different position. If the thing you are holding is quite thick, like an old large climbing rope, the strength of your open arms is especially important.

However, it is good to exercise for what you want to do. So if you want to learn how to climb a tightrope or hold on to something that puts your arm in a similar position (tug of war, deadlift with a vertical bar), you must train it that way.

Towels are your friend

There is an easy way to work this grip without a rope: just use a towel. You may need to experiment with different towels in your closet to find something that is the right length and thickness, so if you put a few towels in your gym bag, be sure to bring a selection with you.

Here are some ways to use towels to support your own weight. As with pull-ups, you can simplify this by resting your feet on a box, bandage, or on the floor if you’re using a bar that’s low enough.

  • Place a towel over the bar. Hold on to one end with each hand. Do pull-ups if you want. (You can also use two towels if you want to separate them.
  • Place one towel over the bar and grasp both ends with one hand. Pull up or hang with one hand on the towel and the other on the bar as usual.
  • With one towel on the bar, grasp it with both hands like a rope. Do pull-ups or hangs again.

Or flip it over. Stand up and use towels to support weights, and grab farm holds or carriers. Thread the towel through:

  • kettlebell handle
  • grip plate handle (those with a bar where there is room)
  • the center of the plate (this may require a long, thin towel)

… or gently place the dumbbell in the fold of a towel, as if it were lying in a hammock. However you implement this, the idea is to hold a towel in each hand and walk with it. Give it a try and let us know how it goes!


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