How to Stop Using the Barbell When Squatting

Most gyms have a cylindrical cushion somewhere near the squat rack. (If it’s not there, check out the Smith machine.) When I first started squatting, I needed a pad on the bar — or thought I did. How else could I protect my bony neck?

But the truth is, you don’t need this notebook. And if you plan to lift more and more over the years (and you will , the beast, you), you will have to give it up.

Why are you better off without a pad

The nice thing about pillows is that on the first day of squatting, it probably made you feel more comfortable. Great! But there are drawbacks, and you will notice them more and more as you increase your weight:

  • A cushion around the bar makes the bar unstable. With hundreds of pounds on your back, you don’t want to squish. (This also applies to your feet; wear suitable shoes .)
  • It also keeps weight an inch away from your back, which some say is enough to shift your center of gravity and thus reshape.
  • If you are going to compete, there are no barbell pads on the platform. Train as if you were competing.

The pad is only useful if you use a light weight and the neck is completely under control, and it helps you to feel more confident in the squat. If this is your first time squatting, the pillow may have helped you get used to the exercise. Great. Now let’s remove the training wheels.

Find the right spot for your bar

The bar should not rest on the bone at the base of the neck. It should also not be on the humerus. If one of these areas hurts, all you need is a small adjustment.

In high bar squats, the bar is supported by the trapezius muscles. These are the muscles on either side of the base of the neck . Narrow your arms on the bar (about shoulder-width apart) and squeeze your shoulder blades together. This will turn your traps into a kind of meat cushion for the crossbar, and it won’t rest on any of your bones.

In low bar squats, the bar is below shoulder level, so it should not press on any of these bones. (If you don’t know what a low bar is, you probably don’t.) Alan Thrall has a video showing a good low bar position here .

Once you’ve gotten it right, you’ll probably find that you don’t miss the pad at all. This pad reserved for jerks his hips , where it makes more sense.


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