Spermicidal Condoms Are Not Good

A condom that can actually kill sperm sounds pretty good when it comes to birth control, doesn’t it? But it turns out that they are no more effective than regular condoms and may actually increase the risk of contracting STDs.

The position of the World Health Organization is that spermicidal condoms should not be sold, even “because of adverse side effects.” A commonly used spermicide, nonoxynol-9, irritates vaginal and anal tissues. ( Planned parenthood notes that this is mostly a problem for people who use it multiple times a day or have anal sex.)

But it’s not just about discomfort. The WHO announced several years ago that irritation could even increase the likelihood of contracting HIV . Durex has discontinued nonoxynol-9 condoms, but spermicidal condoms from several other companies are still on the market.

Gynecologist Jen Gunter writes that since spermicidal condoms carry additional risks and do not even increase your protection against pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections, they are not worth it. They also have a shorter shelf life than spermicide-free condoms, so a plain lubricated condom is best.


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