Use Alexa to Find Out Which Beer and Wine to Pair With With Dinner

When you cook dinner, at least in my house, one question always arises: what are we planning to drink with him.

While some pairings are pretty obvious, like full-bodied red wine with steaks or IPAs with fatty pizza, others are a little more subtle. For example, what do you serve with ramen or that chicken pasta and lemon dish that your mom sent you for?

On occasions when you want to double-check your inspections when it comes to a couple, or just aren’t sure where to start, Alexa can be your trusted friend.

There are tons of different skills to help you find the right pairings for everything from turkey to paella. The two best in my opinion are Wine Finder and Brewer’s Table . In both cases, you simply ask the skill which beer or wine goes well with the dish you are making, and it provides an educated suggestion of which match you should potentially sample.

I must say right away that none of them are perfect. While both can handle tons of everyday foods with ease, they are also quite easily overwhelmed if you tend to eat foods that are different from typical American dishes.

At times like this, I suggest thinking about a simpler food that might have a similar flavor profile and asking about it instead. In particular, winemaking will prompt chardonnay for most of the things he doesn’t know about. While it probably isn’t, chardonnay can go with a lot of things, I wouldn’t consider it a widespread success either.

That said, if you’re cooking and don’t have a clue, both have some pretty decent tips to point you in the right direction.


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