How to Win the Oscar Pool

This is the season of awards and there is no better reward than beating all your friends in predicting the Oscar winners. So here’s how to win your Oscar every year and make you feel like a real Merrill.

Best picture

Since he has the most nominees in any category, the best picture is the hardest to predict. Fortunately, it is also the most studied.

To narrow down your best films, take a look at the five Best Director nominees. It is very rare for a film to win a Best Film Award without nominating a director, so you cut the votes in half.

The best picture ballots are submitted using a rating system, so think about which films everyone thinks are “really good” – most voters choose # 2 or # 3 – rather than a polarizing film that might scare off some academics. …

Actor categories

These are one of the few categories in which the same film can be nominated multiple times. Remember, if this happens, it does not mean that the film is in a leading position – of course, the voter liked it so much that he nominated two actors in the secondary category, but this can often divide the votes . Two actors from the same film in the same category almost certainly means a win for someone else.

Actors are the biggest part of the academy and they take acting seriously . But very often the winners are people who deserve lifetime achievement awards, rather than perform better. So keep in mind how often someone has been nominated before and how long they’ve been in the industry.

Short films

They are often not suitable for your Oscar ballot, as are many voters. Just search the plot of each of the shorts and see which is the most relevant or heartbreaking. The Academy also voted for this.

Technical awards

People are often confused about the difference between “sound mixing and “sound editing “. Sound editing refers to sound effects, and sound mixing refers to everything you hear. They are very often won by the same film, but edits tend to favor military and sci-fi films, while mixing goes to musicals or rock biographies.

Now go ahead and enjoy the show!


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