This Is the Best Parenting Podcast Based on Research

I first heard about the Your Parenting Mojo podcast on another parenting podcast: One Bad Mother . OBM is my favorite because they’re basically two moms telling each other how damn tough parenting can be and then telling each other (and the listeners) what they’re doing well. They also frequently interview authors and other experts, or touch on specific topics for parents, but the general tone is “We all do our best,” and they do not claim that they have all the answers.

And that’s great, and I love it, but sometimes you actually want answers. This is the difference between telling a friend and asking a friend sincerely for advice. If you want some friendly advice, you should head over to Your Parenting Mojo.

Your Parenting Mojo was founded (and is being conducted) by Jen Lumanlan, who, as a parent, began to research and then formally study the psychology and development of a child. She launched a podcast to share everything she learns with other parents. The podcast consists of over 100 episodes and covers a wide range of topics, including:

What I especially love about her show is that she often interviews an expert on the topic, or provides (and links in her show notes) other authoritative sources of research. So if you want to dive even deeper into a topic or issue that is important to you, her show can be a starting point from which you can explore more on your own.


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