How to Make a Laser Labyrinth With Your Own Hands at Home

Yesterday my son and I were out of work or school, and we had all sorts of plans for how we would spend the day together. But first, I said, I need his help with something for the post. “I thought you didn’t need to work today?” he asked in a somewhat accusing tone. “I want you to experience the fake laser maze I’m going to create with streamers in the hallway,” I replied. “Oh, let’s ALWAYS do this,” he said in a noticeably less accusing tone.

I originally got the idea from this Facebook post and it had all the elements I’m looking for in an activity I want to recreate at home: it was fast (it took me 10 minutes to set up), it took stuff I already have … hand (streamers and scotch tape), and it’s quite different from anything I’ve done that seems like a pleasure.

I didn’t follow any scheme, I was just trying to mix up the streamers’ drawing so that he had to climb over some and dive under others. He described the difficulty level as “pretty easy, but not too easy.”

He made several dexterous movements at once. He had either done it before, or seriously thought about what he would do if he had ever been in a situation that required it. I also tried the course while he laughed and noted all the times when I was “hit”. In all fairness, we agreed that this course was designed for a child-sized person, not an adult. In the end, he “sacrificed” his hand to pick up the last streamers so I could crawl to safety.

(I’ll just say this: if you blow the streamers around a bit, you’ll have a fun drinking game at your next adult meeting.)

He completed the course several times and the tape and stretchers were holding up well. To demolish them, he ran over them, making very dramatic sounds like “I am all the same, all the same.”

In conclusion: it was a success.


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