Our Most Popular Money Tip of 2019

While you think about your own financial lessons from last year, take a look at some of the most popular stories here at Two Cents in 2019. They range from the practical to the absurd, but they are all on this list for a reason: they contain some financial wisdom that you can learn and apply in your life.

Let’s see what we have here.

This is the credit rating you should aim for.

Everyone wants to be perfect, but there is something to be said about being “good enough.” Don’t worry if you haven’t hit the 800 mark or higher yet – the mid-700s estimate is probably good enough to get good interest rates on new credit cards.

Observe the minimum on your checking account

It’s good to know that you have a lot of money in your checking account for essentials, emergencies, or maybe a little extra entertainment. But this kind of balance can be a huge temptation, and your money can work a lot harder for you if it’s in a place where it can grow. Even a high-yield savings account can help you earn some interest.

If the bank accidentally deposited money into your account, do not waste it

From the book If It’s Too Good to Be True comes the story of a couple who found extra money in their bank account and spent it as quickly as possible. It was probably a lot of fun until the bank called and asked for a refund. You probably don’t need a reminder that you won’t be able to save a mistake at the bank that will make you extra cash, but here’s one just in case.

Do not use your debit card at a gas station

Card skimmers are still a major problem in gas stations. The risk is twofold: gas stations are often targeted by fraudsters, and debit cards do not offer the same level of consumer protection as credit cards. It’s just that you shouldn’t risk a potential financial headache if you pay with anything other than a loan – that is, if you are willing to risk paying without delay at all .

Why You Can’t Get $ 125 in Equifax Settlement Money

The massive violation of Equifax rules has taken us so much time and energy since 2017, but this year we finally began to see the end of the class action lawsuit path. Aside from the fact that many people have filed claims, we are not sure if anyone will receive any cash apology from the credit bureau.

Don’t accumulate credit card points

If your next trip hasn’t been scheduled yet, you might think that you can just defer your credit card reward until the right moment. But “someday” may be too long to hold onto these points, due to how programs can devalue rewards or abandon travel partners.

Always buy airline tickets with a credit card

Speaking of travel … make sure you make the most of your credit cards when you book flights for your next trip. Many cards offer insurance to help you get compensation if your flight is delayed or canceled, baggage is lost in transit, or other accidents that could ruin your trip.

Don’t link your Venmo account to a credit card

Venmo’s peer-to-peer money transfer app has made life easier, but it comes at a price. If you use your credit card to send money to friends through the app, you will have to pay a 3% commission. You have enough other fees for your daily life; check your account and make sure you can avoid it.


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