Check Your Voter Registration Now

On Monday night, a federal judge approved the purge of 313,000 voters in Georgia who did not vote in the recent election, effectively cutting the state’s registered voters from 7.4 million to 7.1 million, according to the Atlanta Constitution .

Worse, 240,000 other voters were delisted from voters’ lists in Wisconsin this week after they did not respond to a letter asking to verify their address within 30 days. And in Ohio , a decisive wavering state, 180,000 voters were canceled for the same reason back in September.

Overall, the Brennan Justice Center report says 17 million people were purged between 2016 and 2018, including half a million Georgians who were already purged back in July 2017.

By now, you’ve probably figured out that it is important to check your voter registration status, especially in states where it might be compromised. Many conditions, including those just mentioned, are considered “use or lose” conditions; If a voter who does not vote frequently or has recently moved does not respond to a letter or letter confirming his registration, he may be automatically removed.

The problem, however, is that the system for determining voter inactive status is not always accurate; For example, Ohio had planned to purge 235,000 voters, but 20% of those on the list were found to be in error, as reported by the New York Times in October. Slate also described the imperfect nature of the identification system, which recognizes inactive voters or those who have moved, which affects voter registration in places like Wisconsin.

If you want to verify your voter registration, it’s simple. Go to , enter your information, including your name and address, and you will find out the status of your registration. If you scroll down, you can also view your registration status in your particular state in case you want to double-check, which would be entirely justifiable given the current uncertainty for voters across the country.


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