What Are the Big Expenses Worth Spending?

We are all told to save as much money as possible. But are there things worth spending a little extra dollars on?

In the video above, personal finance expert and author of I’ll Teach You To Be Rich, Ramit Sethi gives his advice on how to go broke. He suggests the idea of ​​“money dials” – turn the dials to the max on what you really want, shrink them on everything else, and visualize your life that way. Can you blow up your nest on a cruise? Sure, but then you won’t get together for a good dinner all year. Want this trendy watch? Go get it, but maybe move to a cheaper apartment.

Sethi says your priorities are the “Why” question. Do you want to buy a house? Why? Want a new car? Why? Keep these long-term goals in mind so you can visualize your spending and stay on track.


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