Organize Your Book Club With This App

Book clubs are one of those things that are notoriously difficult to manage.

Of course, if you’re lucky, you have a group of friends who are always ready to meet on the same day, and they all have the same taste for books, so choosing the next one will not be difficult. More than likely; however, you have friends with crazy schedules that can make finding a common day a nightmare, and finding your next book sometimes takes so long to think about options that you could probably just read all the options.

Bookclubz is an app that can help.

The service has been available online for a while, but launched an app for iOS and Android last week. With it, you can create a group for your book club, send out meeting invitations (and put together an RSVP so you know how many people are coming), and poll members about when the next meeting is due or what you should read next.

When your group has finished the book, you can rate it in the app. You can also see all the books your book club has read in the past, in case you’re trying to recommend a friend and can’t remember, and see what other book clubs around the country are reading. you need some inspiration.

The site and app are free and can be a great resource to keep things organized, especially if your group is larger.


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