What Is the Best Way to Commute to Work During Pregnancy?

When you are pregnant, your daily routine becomes more difficult. You cannot sleep in a comfortable position or go from sitting to standing with anything that looks like grace. Work – whether it’s on your feet all day or eight hours straight at the desk – can be difficult. And getting to and from work? Probably not fun either.

Long commutes to work (50 miles or more) can jeopardize the health of a pregnant woman and her unborn child . Shorter commutes to work, while not inherently dangerous, can still be downright frustrating, especially if the trip involves car-sharing or public transportation. You are confined to a small space with musty air, any odors other people bring with them on their trip, and no influence on temperature regulation.

But there are a few things you can do to avoid worrying about commuting while pregnant.

Always take snacks with you

Snacking during pregnancy is important for several reasons. You have an increased appetite or severe nausea, both of which can be avoided with the right snacks. Some gingerbreads or simple salts to calm your stomach, a sweet treat (one of the Lifehacker employees swore to gummy bears) in case you feel your blood sugar is dropping. Or even an apple that you can eat slowly and that gives you something fresher than the smell of the person next to you.

Take your time if possible

If your bus or train is overcrowded and you have the option to wait for the next one, this might be your best bet. The next one will probably be a little less crowded and not packed like sardines, with all the bad smells and the potential for overheating, probably worth the wait longer.

Take a book with you or add some new games to your phone to pass the time. For example, it might be a good time to memorize cool and useless facts .

Sit down

Do what you need to do (within reason, of course) to get your seat. If you ever manage to sit down, it’s now. And don’t be afraid to ask, 1. you are clearly pregnant, but no one notices / cares, or 2. you are still in a state that is still too early to appear, but-oh-so-sick phase.

In the latter case, you may not be showing yourself yet, but it’s okay if strangers know you are pregnant. They are not going to post it to Facebook for your colleagues to know about it. And telling them that you are pregnant is a better option than vomiting all over your body. In fact, go ahead and use this line if you need to: “I hate to ask you to swap places with me, but there is a very good chance that I will vomit if you do not.”

Accessories are your friend

In the past, accessories were things you brought with you to add another level to your outfit, a way to truly showcase your style. Well, now they will help you deal with all the troubles around you. Always keep these items close at hand:

  • Scarf. A light silky scarf in the summer or a regular winter scarf in the cold season. It used to keep you stylish / warm; it now passes through the nose to block odors.
  • Sunglasses. This way, you can close your eyes if you feel dizzy / nauseous without drawing extra attention to yourself.
  • Fan. When you’re overheated, you can fan yourself with whatever you have in your purse … or you can prepare a beautiful folding fan like this one .
  • Bar bag. Okay, not really an “accessory” per se, unless you get a pretty one . I hope you never need this, but better prepare.

Create a bubble of tolerant odor

The sense of smell of a pregnant woman is strong . The slightest smell of something offensive (like the cologne this dude is wearing next to you) is enough to induce vomiting.

Here’s some real advice from a real pregnant woman I know, and it’s good advice: Apply some peppermint essential oil on your forehead in the morning so that it is the predominant scent on your commute. She calls this her “tolerant odor bubble.”

If the essential oil stops working, she says, she’ll use fresh lavender as a bookmark and stick her nose between the pages if necessary. You can also use a scented hand lotion and cover your nose with your palms that smell good. When you are trying to survive on public transport, nothing is too obvious.


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