How to Start a Podcast: Preparing for Your First Episode

Starting a podcast might seem easy given the amount of bad advice. You will often hear phrases such as “low entry threshold” or “be yourself.” In fact, podcasting (like all creativity) is a lot of work.

In the video above, I’ll go into detail on my checklist of five things you should do before even releasing even one episode of your podcast. I’ve compiled a checklist based on my own experience as a podcast producer, as well as interviews with industry experts (see below).

This video is part of our new podcasting series that provides pointless advice to help you become the best podcaster you can be. The next video will cover more technical topics such as microphone placement, audio editing and mixing, and hosting platforms.

The experts in this video, in order of appearance:

The resources mentioned in this video, in order of appearance:

For those of you who prefer to read, we also have a comprehensive article on how to start your own podcast .


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