How to Take Light Trail Photos on Your Pixel Phone

As smartphone cameras become more sophisticated, they make it easier for the average user to create effects that usually require high-quality equipment and technical skills to achieve. The Pixel 4’s astrophotography mode, for example, is capable of capturing images of the night sky with minimal effort, but it has also been used to create the iconic light trail effect that defines night city photography and the ‘light writing’ trend.

Light trails result from longer exposure times when shooting moving light sources. The effect usually requires the use of a long exposure DSLR camera and a sturdy tripod to keep things stable and in focus, but the Pixel 4’s astrophotography setup has a whopping 4 minutes exposure time, perfect for capturing a starry night sky. and light trails – while AI-powered post-processing of the phone will help achieve more consistent results.

(Owners of older Pixel phones can also get involved by installing a modified camera app that adds astrophotography mode.)

Some users have shown their efforts and the results are impressive, but keep in mind that most of the examples on the web are provided by experienced and / or professional photographers. The Pixel 4’s AI-powered features aren’t a shortcut to professional-quality photos, but they are a great introduction to more complex forms of photography – and anyone with a Pixel phone can shoot light trails with a simple setup and a little patience. …

(Note that this will only work at night or in ultra-low light conditions.)

  1. Stabilize your phone using a tripod, stand, or similar equipment to minimize movement.
  2. Open the stock camera app on your Pixel 4 (remember to download and install the modified Camera app first if you’re using an older Pixel phone).
  3. Swipe to Night Sight Mode.
  4. If you are in sufficient darkness, your phone should ask you to turn on “astrophotography mode”. Click to enable. If you think this option is not available, try pointing the camera away from bright light sources and / or towards the night sky.
  5. Straighten the shot and then press the shutter button to start shooting. In astrophotography mode, the exposure time is 4 minutes, after which it takes a few more seconds to process the image. Make sure the phone remains stationary at all times.
  6. After exposure and post-processing is complete, you can view, edit, or share your photo.


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