Party With a Carbonated Communist

One of my favorite things about working with Skillet is the relationship I have developed with the readers. Aside from the comment sections — and this is a surprisingly cool corner on the Internet — nice people often direct me or email me with suggestions, requests, and recipes.

One such person recently sent me the message below with the message “Thinking of you. “Communist laughter”, which is both a complete burn and a very pleasant feeling. (It’s not clear where exactly this name came from, but I clearly like it.)

As you can see, this is a ( classic ) four-ingredient cocktail, but the combination of gin, cherry and citrus is a pretty picky template. I tried removing the lemon and adding the orange, but it was bittersweet, so I added bubbly soda to make sure there were both sweet and sour tastes in the game. To make it you will need:

  • 1 1/2 ounce gin
  • 3/4 ounce cherry liqueur
  • About 2 ounces Squirt or other citrus soda

Shake the gin and liquor in an ice-filled cocktail shaker until it cools. Strain in the compartment and pour over baking soda.


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