How Was Your Month of Interval Training?

We made it to October, which means that the month of cardio intervals is over, and now we can lie on the floor, sweat and breathe hard, and swear we will never do it again.

If you’ve hopped onto a cardio machine in the gym, did a few HIIT workouts in the living room, or took the time to learn how to row , I hope you’ve done something about it – even if it’s just knowing that intervals are possible. unsuitable. your favorite exercise.

Then again, maybe you love them! I’d rather focus and do a few short sprints than spend hours training in sustained cardio, although for me this is more of a mental than a physical challenge. Sprints are difficult, but I always know they will be over in a few minutes or seconds. Steady state is easier on your lungs and muscles, but boring . However, when the opportunity arises, it’s hard to beat the scenic trail running in fine weather. And if you can switch off and do cardio while listening to a good podcast or something like that, perhaps consistent cardio isn’t all that bad.

So what do you think of the month? Did you find intervals exciting or grueling? And what was your favorite way of doing them?


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