Parent’s Guide to VSCO Girls

If you’ve noticed that your teenage girl or teenage girl regularly wears the uniform of oversized tees, Birkenstock sandals, shell necklaces, and unkempt buns held in with hair ties, she might be a VSCO girl, especially if she begged for a $ 35 Hydro Flask. dollars.

She’s a popular fashion girl, and popular fashion girls have walked the hallways of middle and high schools since those schools were around. They usually look the same, talk the same, and wear the same things. But what sets the social media-centric world we live in today is that the VSCO girls were named, standardized and memorialized so quickly that they were fashionable one moment and a parody of themselves the next.

Where did the term “VSCO girl” come from?

You may already know that VSCO (pronounced “visco”) is actually a photo editing and sharing application . The place where you try to make your photos really good – but of course, effortlessly. So are the teenage girls themselves. So “VSCO girl” was a joke name for someone who tried too hard to make her photo feed look cool or become famous on the Internet.

The term began to describe a certain type of girl with a certain fashionable look when it hit TikTok , a short video social media app that is very popular with teens. There are now millions of videos – mostly parodies – with hashtags #VSCO or #VSCOgirls viewed billions of times.

VSCO vibration

VSCO girls are mostly middle to upper class white girls who have a laid back beach atmosphere with an ecological twist. Their wardrobe, as described by the New York Times , is very brand specific (hence middle or upper class to handle it):

In other words, the VSCO-girl lifestyle is not so much the app itself as accessories such as Crocs (decorated with pendants); handmade Pura Vida bracelets; the aforementioned Hydro Flasks (covered with stickers); Fjällräven Kånken backpacks; Lip balms Burt’s Bees and Carmex; Vans sneakers; and a spray for the face of Mario Badescu. Often times, companies are tagged on Instagram posts, blurring the line between appreciation and approval.

They use metal straws, they are known to want to “save the turtles,” and they have two prevailing sayings:

1. “Sksksksksk “, which means “surprise, happiness and other strong emotions.” It originated as a kind of “confusion” for expressing these strong emotions or reactions (like a new version of “omg” or “I can’t even”) and was primarily used in the black and LGBTQ communities .

2. ” And I am “, which means “shock, surprise or embarrassment.” This is originally taken from a transvestite video broadcast by Jasmine Masters . Worth seeing:

Does your daughter want to be a VSCO girlfriend?

If you suddenly notice that your daughter is saying these phrases or is wearing hair ties halfway up to the elbow, she may be trying to become a VSCO girlfriend. Despite all the ridicule on the Internet, many schools still adhere to this trend, and their peers may want to emulate them – and their seemingly flawless, light-hearted VSCO-style images on Instagram or other social media platforms.

But if your daughter tries to jump on the VSCO bandwagon, no big deal. As odd as the choice of clothing, phrases, and principles may be, it’s all pretty positive. VSCO girls give an inspiring look: “IDGAF, what do you think of me.” And the girls can always use a little more of this, even if the publication of the number of images on the internet, or spend 15 minutes trying to get this messy bun just right, probably indicates that they do not care what others think of them at at least a little.

Plus, stainless steel straws are good, and if they are saving turtles, they might be in the business of saving bees as well. These VSCO girls may one day be the heroes fighting climate change for us. In terms of trends, we could have done worse. Though it might make them save their own money for this Hydro Flask.

Why your son can wear hair ties

If your son started wearing hair ties , he may have tried to be a VSCO girlfriend too … or more likely gifted him with it. At least that’s a secret one North Carolina mom discovered after asking her son why she keeps finding hair ties around the house.

So if you feel like you are constantly replenishing your daughter’s hair ties, she may lose them around town or give them away as a sign of affection. This is a version of this generation’s jacket, or a note we passed in class that said, “ Do you like me? Check yes, no, or maybe .

Will the VSCO girls stay?

Neither trend lasts forever, but this one in particular may have a short shelf life because it became a joke almost immediately after it was born. Some of the girls even told Slate that they intentionally change the way they talk and dress so they won’t be mistaken for a VSCO girl:

Emily said she now refrains from using hair ties at school. She also liked to say “sksksksk” and “And I oop”. Aldeady no. “Even when random girls at school say that, everyone is like, ‘Oh my God, this is a girl from VSCO,’ so I couldn’t say that,” she said. Cassandra, meanwhile, ditched the main item of clothing: “I’ve been wearing loose-fitting shirts since seventh grade, but recently stopped wearing them because of the girls at VSCO. I don’t want to be associated with them, ”she said.

But for now they are still there, shouting out their hearts.


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