How to Take Cycling to the Next Level

Hope you enjoyed our cycling month this September as we hopped on our bikes , ventured outside (maybe), and looked at some workout plans to get fit specifically for longer, faster rides. To summarize the month, I would like to highlight a few tips from readers on how to go from a casual rider to a cycling enthusiast.

Scruffy has some tips for buying a good used bike:

There are many benefits to buying a used bike as cycling technology hasn’t changed much over the past 20 years. However, if you are not good at bicycles, find someone who knows and can go shopping with you to make sure the bike works and works for you.

mostempath offers classes:

If you are concerned about cycling in an urban environment, my local cycling association has taught “cycling in the city” lessons. Check your area to see if there is anyone offering classes. When I first started out, I found it to be very valuable and it helped me feel more confident on the road.

Antiphaz recommends updating:

Cycling shoes help! Who knew? I never did, but now I do. Even the casual ones will make a big difference (I would only recommend casual ones for the city).

Cycling shoes are, of course, shoes that clip onto pedals without clips that you attach to your bike. (If you took indoor cycling lessons and were given a pair of special shoes, you used them.) Not ready for special shoes? You can buy a couple of clips for a few dollars and attach them to your regular pedals. Both options help keep your feet on the pedals so you can push them more efficiently.

Other upgrades recommended by readers: good headlights and taillights, make sure your bike fits properly for you (your bike shop can help if you’re ignorant), and a bell to be heard from a distance. In the personal hygiene department, Bloomtownrat recommends antibacterial lubricants :

I will also add that a good suede cream for boys is critical. Not fun to say, but true.

You can read more about how to improve your cycling experience in the comments here . And let us know below how your month went! Are you inspired to keep skating?


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