How to Skip All Instagram Stories in One Fell Swoop

I was doing everything on Instagram wrong.

Listen to me. Whenever I kill time by looking at my many friends’ Instagram stories, I often come across some person or account who is absolutely insane with their historical posts. I love Hamilton , I love, and I think their social media play is strong and often entertaining, but sometimes I just don’t have the patience to go through 40+ stories to get to the rest of my friends.

See the problem? I knocked .

I’m not sure why this thought has ever crossed my mind in all my time on Instagram, but if you look through Instagram story after Instagram story to get through your turn, you are doing it wrong.

Instead, if you want to skip the huge amount of Instagram Stories right away, just swipe from right to left . And if you’re too hasty in your decision, swipe from left to right to return to the beginning of your previous account’s stories.

Easy, right? I’m not done yet. If you are viewing Instagram website on your computer or laptop, you can also switch between different accounts when viewing histories. Instead of pressing the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate between individual stories, press the up or down arrows to navigate to the next account that has stories to view.

Do I feel stupid for not knowing these shortcuts until this week? Yes. Did it save me tons of time? Absolutely. Now I can watch even more Pomeranian videos instead of watching over 100 stories every day.


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