Planned Parenthood Birth Control & UTI App Coming to All 50 States Next Year

When we first wrote about Planned Parenthood Direct , it was a niche product that could get you contraceptives in the mail if you lived in California. It is now good in 27 states, and its manufacturers have announced that it will be available nationwide by the end of 2020 . Oh, and it can help you treat your UTI as well.

Update 09/06/2019: We previously announced that the app will be available in all 50 states by the end of 2019. The correct date is the end of 2020.

The app is free for iOS and Android and you can currently use it to get help in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, DC, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota. , Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington.

For contraception prescriptions or UTI treatment, you need to fill out some personal and medical information and then wait up to one business day until the doctor decides if your case is simple enough for them to write you a prescription. In some states, you will need video chat. And, depending on the vendor’s decision, your request may be denied and you will need to see someone in person (for example, if your medical history complicates the situation). Contraceptives can be sent right to your door; Prescriptions for UTIs will be called at the pharmacy of your choice.

As Business Insider was told by Planned Parenthood, costs average around $ 20 for a prescription for contraception, $ 15 to $ 25 for a consultation on UTI treatment, and $ 4 to $ 60 for an actual UTI drug (depending on the drug and your coverage. ). You pay in the app. If you cannot afford such treatment, they recommend that you contact your local clinic to see if they can help you.


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