Boost Your Productivity by Listening to White Noise While You Work

Office work is often distracting, so distracting that the pointless chatter around you ultimately hinders your productivity.

One of the easiest ways to get rid of these distractions, at least some of them, is to put on headphones. However, if you are like me, listening to music can often distract you in the same way that my co-worker talked about her hot date last night.

S is a website with white noise options to help you drown out your game with the sound of waves, rain or forest. You can also tweak this white noise to be exactly how you want it to be.

Clicking on the menu in the upper right corner of the site will open a page where you can customize a specific white noise mix for yourself. For example, you might have water with a few crickets in the background. Or the perfect combination of rain and birds.

You can also just listen to any white noise and get the same effect. I have a rainstorm loaded on my smartphone for just such an occasion, and most streaming services, as well as YouTube, have some kind of white noise option for you to try.

If you are in an office where they are locked; however, can be a great internet alternative.


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