Alexa Can Help You Find Lost Items in Your Home

Alexa is great for digital tasks like shopping online and telling gruesome jokes, but Amazon’s assistant can also help you solve your biggest real-life problems, like “Where did I put my keys?”

Let’s say you tend to lose sight of your wallet, glasses, or keys, or you just forget where you put important things in your home (like your passport). While Alexa can’t help you find what’s already lost, you can get ahead of yourself next time by asking Alexa to remember where you plan to place an important item.

To set a reminder, use a command like “Alexa, remember my wallet is on the kitchen table.”

Later, when you run around the house looking for your wallet, you may ask, “Alexa, where did I put my wallet?” and Alexa will remind you of any place you have specified earlier.

While we can’t say for sure how long Alexa can remember this kind of information, it’s worth making a little effort to save the location of important documents or sentimental items for later. And, yes, there are a few more things Alexa can help you find, even if you’ve never set a reminder, like your smartphone .

If you don’t want to remind Alexa where you set something every time (or set a reminder elsewhere), we have tips for organizing and keeping track of the important items you use and carry with you on a daily basis, including using Bluetooth or RFID. tags to keep track of your stuff.


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