Three Soda Water Myths Debunked

Whether you call it seltzer, soda, or sparkling water, this sparkling drink is becoming popular every day, and Americans are consuming it more and more . And while it’s often touted as part of a healthier lifestyle, particularly one that doesn’t include sugary soda, there are some persistent soda myths that don’t quite fit.

Some say that it is bad for your bones, breaks teeth, and that it may even de hydrate you. If you’re worried that your favorite soda is actually unhealthy, here’s the harrowing truth.

Soda doesn’t wash calcium from bones

Neither the soda water nor the soda found in many drinks weakens your bones. No one seems to know where this myth came from, but at some point people began to believe that carbonation could leach calcium from your bones and increase your risk of osteoporosis . But there is no evidence to support this theory.

According to one study by Dr. Douglas Keel of Harvard Medical School and published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , cola soft drinks have been linked to low bone mineral density in older women, but not other sodas (including soda). … There were no changes in the men who participated in the study.

Another study by Dr. Robert Heaney of Creighton University School of Medicine and also published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition seems to suggest the same thing: Carbonation is not a prime suspect when it comes to calcium leaching from bone. The researchers speculate that the problem may actually be the caffeine and phosphoric acid found in cola, but none of which are found in soda. Your beautiful bone structure is protected from all these blisters.

Sparkling water does not dehydrate

This myth is a real gnashing of the head, but soda does not dehydrate. Not only is there no evidence that sparkling water dehydrates you (why exactly?), But the exact opposite is actually happening (surprise!).

Drinking sparkling water is just as hydrating as regular water, according to Sarah Bleich , Ph.D. and assistant professor of health policy at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health . The only small snag: You can drink less water in one sitting, because soda makes soda more satisfying, and this can potentially reduce your overall water intake . So it’s okay to drink a glass of soda when you’re thirsty, just be aware that you may need to drink more to actually quench your thirst.

Soda Can Damage Your Teeth, But It’s Not So Bad

Soda water can destroy tooth enamel, but it’s not as bad as it sounds. The prime suspect here is actually a byproduct of the carbonation process itself. To turn drill water into fancy soda water, carbon dioxide is forced to dissolve in said water at low temperatures and high pressures. This process produces carbon dioxide (dun dun dunnnn), which gives most carbonated water a lower pH level than regular tap water.

They are not as acidic or pungent as soda, but some flavored sodas have a level of acidity on par with fruit juice. A study led by Dr. Katriona Brown of the University of Birmingham and published in the International Journal of Pediatric Dentistry suggests that most of the flavored soda is as corrosive to teeth as orange juice (which is known to soften tooth enamel ). In their tests, lemon, lime, and grapefruit were the most pungent flavors because they used citric acid for flavor in addition to carbonic acid, which is already present.

Another studypublished in the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation found that regular mineral water and most unscented soda have little or no damage to teeth. So yes, soda can affect your teeth, but at worst it’s no more dangerous than fruit juice (minus the sugar that makes the situation worse). As Damien Walmsley , Ph.D., professor of dentistry at the University of Birmingham , explains , soda in the Atlantic poses a theoretical risk of dental erosion, but drinks must be consumed over a long period of time to have any serious harm. the effect. Basically, dental erosion occurs in a controlled laboratory setting, yes, but in a real world it is unlikely that you will drink enough to do any real damage. If you take proper care of your teeth , you have nothing to worry about.

Rules to Remember While Enjoying Soda Water

Carbonated water is perfectly safe to drink regularly if you follow a few basic rules:

  • Do not drink soda (or any other soda) if you have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) . Carbonation can aggravate symptoms and cause severe, uncomfortable bloating.
  • Read the nutritional label and avoid soda with added sugar or artificial sweeteners, recommends Despina Hyde , a nutritionist at New York University’s Langone Medical Center . Sodas like tonic and some flavored sodas will contain additional hidden ingredients, even though they claim to be calorie-free, so watch your eyes.
  • Try not to drink too much soda with a lot of citric acid added for flavoring, if possible. Remember, citrus-flavored soda is usually the sourtest.
  • Store more acidic soda with meals and drink plain water (or plain soda) , Walmsley said .

The bottom line is that regular water is always guaranteed to be a safe bet (if it’s clean). Still, soda is a good alternative to soda and other sugary drinks. You can drink whenever you are thirsty, unless it’s the only thing you drink for the rest of your life.

This story was originally published on 2/16/16 and was updated on 8/23/19 to provide more complete and up-to-date information.


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