Can a Shirt Really Be Laid Out Without Ironing It?

I hate ironing. I spent six months in the same wrinkled shirt. So I tested all the popular ways to get rid of wrinkles in clothes without ironing them. The results are not what I was hoping for.

Smoothing wrinkles

You can spray your clothes with a bottle of anti-wrinkle spray and pull and smooth the wrinkles with your hand. I overdid it with the splashes and ended up with a wet, slightly wrinkled shirt that smelled like Febreze. But if I had time to let the shirt dry, I would rely on this method for slightly wrinkled clothes.


One trick is to slap weights, such as heavy books, over crumpled clothes. I tried. It didn’t work.

Shower steam

I’ve tried this before: hanging my shirt in the bathroom while I shower. I’m pretty sure it worked, at least a little! But this time I was disappointed. Even after running through very hot water for over 10 minutes and fogging up in the bathroom, I didn’t notice much change in the shirt.

Hairdryer and towel

Throw crumpled clothes into the dryer along with a damp towel. Now we are talking! This did not fix the collar and cuffs, but it did get rid of the serious folds on the flat parts of the shirt. And yet it was much easier than ironing. If you have a dryer at home, this is a good option!


I don’t really care if there are wrinkles on the flat part of the shirt. My biggest concern is the collar, cuffs and button line. And none of the “tricks” ironed them out. I finally gave up and ironed my shirt.

I was right to fear this! Ironing shirt details is a pain in the ass. It is enough to turn on the podcast and suffer.

Everything would be better if I could learn how to iron the shirt properly . That was not my mission today – my mission was not to iron! And even with the right method and podcast to keep me entertained, it’s still boring work. Sorry to admit it, but next time I might pay someone else to iron my shirts. This is the only surefire way to avoid ironing.


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