How to Keep Your Child From Writing on You

This is a startling discovery that almost every new parent makes: when you change a baby’s diaper, you find yourself in a splash zone. However, there are several ways to stay alert as I learned from the Offspring Facebook group. There are four methods.

Cold activator method

One of the minimum bet strategies I’ve heard of is this: While the old diaper is still in place, swipe the wet wipe across the baby’s lower abdomen and then wait a few seconds before changing it. The cool temperature of the wipe will make it pee in place and you will be clean. Other parents also mentioned the “cold air trick,” where you open the diaper, let the cold air hit it, and then quickly close the diaper before the spray starts. For those who love living on the edge, you can also blow on your child’s lower areas, as advised by a dad named Daniel. “I know it sounds weird, but it acts like a trigger,” he writes.

Shield method

Some parents choose to simply block off the stream with other materials — washcloths, tissue towels, a few squares of toilet paper, current diapers, or this WeeWee Tipi Peepee, a product designed to solve a particular dilemma. Or you can do what a dad named James does and use your palm as a deflection mechanism. This method helps to have reflexes like a goalkeeper. “Always watch your penis,” warns a mom named Sarah. “As soon as you turn away, you have problems.”

Timing method

There are several considerations when it comes to timing. “Don’t change it right after he wakes up,” writes a father named James. “[My baby] woke up and flushed like many of us.” Also, when you are going to bathe your baby, wait for the last millisecond before removing the diaper. My 7 month old son pisses in the bath every time – really, like clockwork.

Just Work Fast Method

For many parents, it is not only how you change it that matters, but the speed at which you do it. A parent named Bill sums it up: “Speed ​​is of the essence. Leave the penis covered for as long as possible, then forward. After all, muscle memory kicks in and you change diapers faster than the NASCAR crew change tires. ” As a good mechanic, you need to prepare everything you need before opening the hood. These include a clean diaper (you can put it under the current one to keep everything ready), napkins, any creams or paste, and extra towels in case there is splashing. Now you are in it to win.

Good luck and stay dry.


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