Tell Us About Your Favorite Media Player for Windows or Mac

The fifth hive again! And we want you to tell us about your favorite desktop media players.

I’m passionate about VLC ; As far back as I can remember, it was my default media player for my desktop PC, my laptops and mobile devices. I have never lost my way, although I must admit that I used to mess around with Media Player Classic as well . Eventually I realized that having two media players on my Windows PC was pointless, so I had to give up MPC.

There is nothing wrong with VLC; he is a great player who can handle just about anything you throw at him. However, since I’m such a loyalist, I don’t have much experience with other media player apps that could be as good. (Or better?)

What is your favorite?

I am curious. Are you sticking to the default built-in operating system settings? Small Windows Media Player orQuicktime ? An app that is the sister of the server software that supports all of your media streaming like Plex Media Player ? Something exclusive and unusual for your OS ( IINA )? An excellent open source cross-platform alternative ( MPV )? Some crazy tool that lets you listen to music using a terminal command ?

Here’s what I need from you: in the comments, tell us which apps you like and why. I’ll present the best answers in the next post, which talks about the amazing media player apps I found (and you recommended). Then we can all sit in a group chat and watch a documentary or something; I’ll bring some virtual popcorn.


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