How to Speed up or Slow Down Any HTML5 Video

Chrome: I never really understood why people like to watch accelerated videos until I got a funny 911 tech support question about it. Then I tried it, and now I understand it perfectly; what you lose in quality (and suffer from the voices of the chipmunks), you gain in time – sweet, sweet time.

And while your typical YouTube video is easy to speed up or slow down, what about all the other videos on the Internet that don’t have easy speed controls? If you watch them in HTML5 player, you can speed up or slow down the video. You may not see this option, but it is. And the useful Chrome Video Speed ​​Controller extension can unlock it.

Install this extension and you now have a useful little overlay in the upper left corner of any HTML5 player on the web – yes, even the videos on the Lifehacker site itself . Click the icons to speed up or slow down the video in 10 percent increments, or you can also automatically jump forward and backward 10 seconds.

If you are a wizard, Harry, you can also memorize keyboard commands that will allow you to access these functions even faster:

  • S: decrease the playback speed.
  • D: Increase the playback speed.
  • R: reset the playback speed.
  • Z: Rewind the video 10 seconds.
  • X: Move the video forward 10 seconds.
  • V: Show / hide controller.

And if you don’t like these hotkeys, you can change them to whatever keys you like using the extension options. You can also configure the extension to remember a specific playback speed in case you want every HTML5 video you watch to fly by. If there are certain sites that you prefer to browse regularly, you can whitelist them in the app settings to disable the extension on them.


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