Delete Old Tweets and Protect Your Online Data With Jumbo

The Ultimate Lifehacker Guide to Data Privacy ): title The Ultimate Lifehacker Guide to Data Privacy We tell you everything you need to do to live the most secure and private life in the digital age.

iOS: I’m a big fan of apps that provide you with tons of useful privacy tools in a single, easy-to-use interface, so I believe the free Jumbo iOS app is a must-have addition to your iOS arsenal. … With it, you can clear Twitter, restrict what others can see from your Facebook life, delete your Google search history, and clear all records of your Alexa conversations on Amazon. (The privacy controls for your Instagram and Tinder accounts are “coming soon.”

To learn more about deleting tweets, watch this video.

What impressed me most was the simplicity of the app and the price. You can use it completely free of charge; I’m surprised there’s no “pay us $ 2 to unlock more services” premium crap. While that doesn’t mean it might not come out someday, Jumbo is completely free at the time of this writing.

Even the app’s cute splash screens really try to keep privacy at the forefront of the conversation. While the app does the usual “will you let us send you update notifications” prompt, it offers you a little promise ahead of time about how it won’t annoy you if you agree to receive notifications. (The default iOS notification prompt appears after you see this image.)

Once you get to the Jumbo home screen, you will be asked to link the app to any services you want to clean up. Before doing this, I understand that you probably have questions about the privacy of your data. Jumbo’s privacy policy notes that the company does nothing with your personal information:

We never collect, store or process the data that you manage through Jumbo. In fact, we don’t even know who you are.

I think this is the most fundamental decision we made when creating Jumbo: the app and its functions are phone-based: this means that all data processing happens from / to your iPhone. This means that we do not collect or access any of your personal information when you use Jumbo, even to identify you for analytical purposes. “

If you feel comfortable like me, then start linking your accounts by clicking on each “section” in the app.

Each service offers different options for clearing your data. Using Twitter as an example, I was able to tell Jumbo to delete any tweets older than one of four time periods: a day, a week, a month, or three months. As an added bonus, Jumbo offers to keep any deleted tweets in the app itself (with support for Dropbox and iCloud backups, which are also “coming soon”).

After I tweaked my options and turned on the Twitter switch on the main Jumbo screen, I only had to press the big Start Cleanup button to start cleaning Twitter. Off Jumbo walked away, deleting as many tweets as he could. If you have a lot of old tweets, this process may take several tries over time (Twitter issue, not Jumbo).

This “Start Cleanup” button launches data cleanup actions for any services you’ve configured and enabled — a one-size-fits-all approach that makes it easy to keep your accounts clean every time you return to the app.

In terms of other supported services, Jumbo comes with three different privacy settings for Facebook – weak, medium and strong – each of which sets up your account differently , including who can see the content you’ve posted, who can find you on Facebook or find out who you are friends with and whether Facebook can recognize you from other people’s photos or videos (or show you ads based on your data).

Like Twitter, Jumbo can delete your Google search history. You can delete all of this or any search terms older than a day, week, or month (from the moment you start the app cleanup feature). As far as Amazon Alexa is concerned, Jumbo takes a direct approach: enable this feature, run a cleanup, and all of your Alexa voice recordings will be deleted from Amazon’s servers (hopefully).

And it’s all! You will need to manually run Jumbo Cleaner whenever you want to clear your data – for which you can create a monthly reminder if you like. Jumbo offers a great way to keep your data private without having to log into various services and manually manage everything.


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