The Complete Guide to Choosing the Weed That Is Right for You

After many generations in the shade and long nights “still waiting for the guy, what’s wrong with him? Maybe we should call him again? ” worry, buying legal marijuana is becoming a way of life in America. Recreational marijuana is now legal for use by adults in 10 states and the District of Columbia, and medical use is legal in 33, while more states have decriminalized possession. The new legal menus in dispensaries can be a little overwhelming, but in a good way, it’s like looking at the cost of healthcare in a European country. So many options! So cheap! Is it now available in muesli form? What is a split?

To relax a bit, we spoke to several experienced nutritionists – yes, that sounds like it – and explained the basics of the different intake methods and who they are for: Bethany Weisbacher, a trader at a farmers market in Denver. and author of Dispensary Living: A Guide to Survival in the Bud in Cannabis-Legal States , and Troy Fimbres, Research Assistant at Exhale Med in West Hollywood, California.

Consider this a beginner’s guide to planting grass in your body. Read and obey local laws wherever you live, and if you are new to this, remember that this is good etiquette.

Vape pens

What They Are: Efficient weed oil delivery systems. The oil is made from cannabis plants, distilled to their THC and cannabinoid base, and then mixed with a harmless cutting agent such as coconut or vegetable oil. You can buy many varieties of oil cartridges at the store. Usually, the base of the handle is sold separately and is available in many shapes, sizes and capacities, but they are available everywhere, from regular smokehouse stores to wine cellars.

For whom: An inconspicuous stoner in motion. Weissbacher recommends them for social gatherings and situations where carrying a smelly bag of weed or a joint would be too intrusive. They are light and elegant, a lightsaber compared to a laser blaster, which is a hinge. People use them in baseball games, on the beach (because of the wind from the beach, lighting a joint or bowl becomes a real headache), taking quick hits while walking down the street, and even on airplanes. It should be noted that hitting one of them in a stadium or on an airplane is no more legal than hitting a Juul or another e-cigarette in a public place. But the thing is, nobody notices when you use them.

“It’s good for the careful smoker, taking a break between work when you don’t have time to bring a joint or don’t want anyone to know about it,” said Troy Fimbres. “It’s simple, affordable, nice light at a height.”


What it is : Cannabis, baked or prepared as a snack, or mixed with other foods. You can imagine a classic brownie , but the range of food in stores is now as varied as in a real supermarket: gummies, truffles, candies, the aforementioned muesli, candies, icicles, nuts, soda water, toffee, espresso beans, iced coffee. ; If you’re lucky, maybe this weed-drenched pizza delivery service will one day go nationwide. THC and CBD are fat-soluble, which means any fat, like butter or vegan coconut oil, can hold them. Thanks to the magic of oils, almost any food can now be poured over or mixed with cannabis.

Who they are for: People with lung problems, everyone who wants a long-lasting high. But be careful, newbies!

Edible food can be very strong, and it’s easy to keep on eating a packet of delicious marmalades and forget that these are incredibly stinky little time bombs waiting to explode in your stomach. The internet is rife with stories of people who overdid edibles, the most famous of which is Maureen Dowd of the New York Times .

Weissbacher recommends starting with 5 or 10 milligrams (the dosage is usually indicated on the package), and then waiting up to an hour and a half to feel the effect. Smoking weed goes straight to the brain, but the edibles dissolve in the stomach, and it takes longer to work, but longer.

“You can always eat more, but you cannot take it back,” Weisbacher said.

The edible meal is perfect for situations where you can’t or don’t want to keep on puffing to regain your buzz: at a movie, at a concert, on a long walk, or on a flight. But, dear sir, do not be the kind of person who goes crazy for food on the plane. (One way to prevent accidental overeating is to buy a non -weed version of any edible so you can keep snacking without accidentally swallowing much more THC than you bargained for.)


What It Is: Cannabis-infused products that are absorbed through the skin, including lotions, balms, oils, shower gels, patches, and body rub.

Who they are for: Anyone looking to treat localized pain, soreness, and inflammation; often popular with older users.

Topical medications firmly belong to the more medicinal part of the weed spectrum, often used to relieve pain from arthritis, fibromyalgia, or just general soreness. Even in states where cannabis is not legally available, CBD oils (minus psychoactive THC) are widely available. At law stores, you can find oils that contain both CBD and THC to relieve pain and a little anxiety.

Weisbacher likes to suggest a special method: rubbing your feet with cannabis lotion and then putting on socks, which gives a feeling of complete healing, similar to the classic Vicks VapoRub .

Concentrates, also known as smears

What They Are: Extremely concentrated, versatile, filler-free cannabis compounds. They come in a wide variety of forms , from wax to fragile “splinter” to oily “bad”. All of this falls into the category of what people call “brush strokes.” The touch is much more intense: You can get up to 85 percent THC per hit , compared to 15-25 percent you get from smoking cannabis. To use them, you will need a brush stroke attachment and a butane blowtorch similar to the one used for crème brulee.

Who are they for : Power users, plant lovers, people who want to limit their smoke consumption.

According to Fimbres, the concentrates provide a stronger effect, which means you should swallow less smoke and get the true flavor of the plant itself.

“From these things, you will really get the true taste of real tension,” he said. “It’s very surreal the first time.”

Swabs are good for getting a little for a lot: a quick application will help you very well, and the smell will not persist as much as smoking marijuana. Weissbacher said people who have been taking pot for a long time often resort to smears to break their tolerance. So that – this is also entertainment at parties, since this requires special equipment. But they can be heavy duty, including sticky wax and dangerous blowtorch, so it’s best to get some experience before trying to smear them.

Flower, aka weed classics, greens, buds, cones, sticky, sticky, broccoli, trees, etc.

What it is : the good old hemp in the form of buds, in the language of our more and more legalized times, has been renamed “flower”. This is still the standard, and any store will have a menu with many options describing the effects of each warp, in addition to offering expertly crafted pre-rolled seams.

It comes in three forms: sativa, indica, or a hybrid of both. For choosing between the two, the line used by generations of marijuana dealers is still good enough for us here, whether you want to go cycling (sativa, upper grass) or watch a movie (indica, relaxing, aka “in da”). sofa”)?

Who’s it for : Anyone who can carry a little smoke into their lungs.

Smoking weed, like listening to vinyl records or reading the print newspaper, never loses its classic charm, even if it becomes less financially, practical, and healthier as the industry matures. Transferring a weed paddock, with its antiseptic steam frill and seemingly endless supply of current collectors, will never fully fit the social and ritual aspect of rolling a thick bone to transfer to your team.

“Very few people don’t want to smoke a flower,” Fimbres said. “The flower is probably the most versatile product in our entire dispensary.”

With so many varieties available, you can fine tune your tall or even get a flower at a low dosage to keep it soft. Roll it into a joint, chop it in a bowl, use it to bake, stuff in a pancake, or load it into a bong if you feel like you’ve missed out on a classic college experience.

Variety selection can be as difficult as wine selection (that’s what boutonnieres are for). Overall, Weisbacher said, sativa is an awakening, creative kind of high. She calls it the “adventure weed” popular with outdoor enthusiasts in Colorado.

Indica will be more body-like, relaxed, almost sleep-like, better for relaxation. Hybrids will give you both a cerebral high and a body high.

These are all there is to consider, but newbies take their job seriously and most will take the time to recommend safe and appropriate methods for all clients. Fimbres said newcomers to new legal states shouldn’t be afraid to stop by to check out the store for the first time. And he pointed out what was true even before the overdue trend towards legalization began: everyone is already doing it.

“The store has something for everyone,” he said. – It is more common than cigarette smoking. Many more people do this than you think. “


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