How to Survive After Eating

I once ate half a baguette and a few slices of ham in the rain on the corner of Amsterdam street.

The next morning I woke up with greasy hands, ashamed of myself and my tendency to overeat during (very rarely) high.

If you’ve ever been particularly stoned, you know that a state of euphoria, accompanied by a case of unrelenting snacking, is inevitable. Here’s some insight into why we crave such terrible food when we’re high, and how to eat a little healthier if you’re struggling to avoid it.

Your hormones are responsible for your snacking experience

According to Janice Newell Bissex , a registered dietitian and holistic marijuana practitioner, your uncontrollable hunger is not a figment of your lost imagination. “When your stomach is [empty], your body releases a hormone called ghrelin,” she said over the phone. “When you consume cannabis, especially THC, it causes a surge in ghrelin, so there are some physiological reasons why you have an increased appetite.”

In addition to that euphoric glow, THC can also increase your sensitivity to both taste and smell, Bissex added. “It also enhances the pleasure of eating, which is why it is such a useful tool for people undergoing chemotherapy or elderly people who have decreased appetite,” she said. “It’s really good for them; it will increase their appetite and they will be more inclined to eat. “

Your brain also plays a role in your sudden need for Cheetos. “There are neurons in the hypothalamus like thePOMC , and those neurons also tell you not to eat when you’re full,” she said. “This response is dulled by THC, so if your neurons are not signaling that your body is full, you have more appetite.” In other words, it’s not your fault — your bodily reactions are to blame.

How to stop overeating

Due in part to our sensitivity to taste and smell, Bissex says, we tend to lean on unhealthy foods when we’re particularly high; You probably won’t get any real pleasure from chewing celery when you’re euphoric. If you’re trying to keep yourself from overeating, Bissex recommends drinking as much water as possible before you gain experience. “You need to make sure you are hydrated before taking your medications,” she said. “It will saturate you a little.”

Elegant Stoner (!) Also has some solid snack avoidance tips that include getting distracted as much as possible, whether it’s a particularly intoxicating movie, or having a hearty meal ahead of time so you don’t get hungry while high.

But let’s face it – you’re probably going to eat anyway (it’s part of the pleasure after all), in which case Bissex recommends to refrain from the tastier snacks and stick to “healthier” foods like popcorn. If you’re ambitious, she also recommends sticking to vegetables, but adding some good sauces so you don’t feel completely self-contained. Elegant Stoner also recommends that the pre- compile the budget for snacks; set aside the container with the specified amount of Oreos so that you don’t have the urge to use up the entire package.

Bissex added that if you feel too high in the clouds, you should avoid fatty foods as this can make the problem worse. “Eating anything containing fat will increase absorption and prolong the effect, which is good if you take it as a medicine,” she said. “We want to give people long-term help. But if you use it for entertainment and feel uncomfortable high, eat something that does not contain fat, such as fruits or vegetables. “

Don’t eat edible foods

Perhaps you should take one precaution when you smoke: Don’t overdo it on edible foods, this will have a more gradual effect in terms of your snacks. “If you smoke [cannabis], the effects come on very quickly,” she said. “When you smoke or vape, it only takes one to five minutes to see the effect, so you will feel hungry faster. If you take this edible, it will take up to two hours to take effect, and then suddenly [you have] a huge amount of THC. ” So relax and don’t think the edible isn’t working if you’re not feeling good or hungry.

And if you want to try cannabis varieties without significant amounts of THC, CBD, or Cannabidiol won’t give you a snacks case, so if all else fails, give CBD a shot if you don’t want to raid your closets for that bag of stale Doritos.


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