Find Out Which Medical Screening Tests You Need With the EPSS App

If you’ve been (or ever ) not visited your doctor, do yourself a favor and set ePSS application from the US Agency for Health Research and Quality.

Provide a few basic facts about yourself and the app will show you which counseling, prevention and screening services the USPSTF recommends for people of your age, gender, smoking status, and reproductive status (are you pregnant and are you sexually active). Click on each list and you will see why a test or service is recommended and what the benefits and risks are.

The AHRQ ranks tests based on how likely they are to benefit you:

  • Category A services are recommended because there is a “high degree of confidence that the net benefit will be substantial.”
  • Category B services are also recommended, but the benefits are either less or less obvious.
  • You should talk to your doctor about Category C services. Most people probably don’t need them, but this may depend on your preference and your doctor’s judgment.
  • Services “D” are not recommended. The harm can outweigh any benefit.
  • Services “I” do not have enough evidence to recommend them. If you are interested in one of them, read and talk with your doctor, but you may hear that the test will not do you anything useful.

So take a look at what you may have missed. The app is free, and so is the screenings – USPSTF recommended preventive care is included with all ACA eligible insurance plans with no out-of-pocket costs.


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