Show Your Child How Animated Films Are Made by Following Artists on Social Media

On Twitter, Simon Willison gives us a fantastic overview of behind-the-scenes content from Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, straight from the artists themselves. (Thanks to Kottka for the hint.) Two thoughts: 1) Kudos to Sony for this level of transparency and 2) Every spider verse- obsessed child should see this.

Accompanying directors, animators, and crew members on social media – Twitter, Instagram and Facebook – is a great way to give your kids a deeper insight into their favorite shows (and it’s a lot cheaper than just buying them all the merchandise). It’s a bit like taking a tour of a production studio – they can find out how much thought goes into every detail, that early attempts are never perfect, how external problems will always arise, and how every successful project requires an incredible deal. cooperation.

Here’s what the artists have to say about the creation of the Spider-Verse:

Director Miguel Giron showed some of the film’s first storyboards.

Composer Daniel Pemberton shared how the musicians used percussion in Prowler’s scenes.

Comic book and character designer Jesús Alonso Iglesias showed some of the early designs.

Visual Effects Supervisor Michael Lasker spoke about Peni Parker’s creation.

Animator Nick Kondo shared the challenges of working with different styles of animation.

Co-writer and co-director Rodney Rothman talked about the time constraints the team faced.

Rothman also shared the entire script for the film.

Next time your child falls in love with a computer movie, take a look at the credits and follow along with the creators. And if your young fan has a specific question about the scene, style, or solution, just ask them. I’m sure they would like to talk more about the artistic process.


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