How to Display the Mac Dock on the Touchpad

Whatever you say about the Touch Bar, it’s an essential part of the MacBook Pro that we’ll probably have to deal with for a while. And to be honest, it’s not bad – much like the dream-worthy “OLED keyboard” that pops up every now and then that no one seems to buy, it’s nice to have a separate tiny display that can be used for all kinds of productive or dumb work. experiences .

The last Touch Bar app I stumbled upon is called Pock – and no, it won’t let you turn the Touch Bar into a giant Pocky stick, nor will the hockey puck fly through 2170 by 60 pixels. display.

Instead, Pock clones your dock to the touchpad. It looks like this:

It seems a little silly to have a second dock located right below the dock, but it can be useful if you automatically minimize the main dock. You get a little more space on your primary display while enjoying all the benefits of an always-on dock – provided you don’t mind losing most of the other extra buttons on the Touch Bar. (You can still expand the control bar and use the Fn key to temporarily change the contents of the Touch Bar — both are fine.)

Your second dock works just like a real dock. You can click on the icons to launch applications and you will see indicators for open applications, as well as a border around the main application you are using. You even get little red notification icons, although there won’t be any numbers inside (small bummer, but forgivable).

In Pock’s preferences, you can control how long it takes for the app to update your second Dock’s notification icons, whether you want it to launch when macOS starts up, and whether you want Pock to completely hide the Touch Bar.


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