See the First Vernal Equinox Supermoon in 19 Years Tonight

Today, March 20, is the vernal equinox. In the northern hemisphere, the days will get longer, the nights shorter, and the earth will flood the land. To celebrate this shift, go outside tonight and watch the supermoon accidentally light up the sky.

The vernal equinox rarely coincides with the supermoon ; According to National Geographic, this has not happened since 2000 and will not happen until 2030. Supermoons themselves are not all that rare; this year there were already two of them. explains that a supermoon is an optical illusion created by the moon’s orbit around Earth, which is more oval than circular in shape:

A supermoon occurs when the full moon coincides with the moon’s perigee, or the point in its elliptical orbit that is closest to Earth. As a result, the Moon appears 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than normal.

However, this is the last supermoon of 2019; it is also special because it is a “worm moon”. NBC News reports that the nickname comes from an old folk tale that a full moon at this time corresponds to the melting of the earth – and all the earthworms begin to move again. Name history :

As temperatures begin to heat up and the ground begins to melt, casts of earthworms appear, signaling the return of the robins. For this reason, the March full moon is often referred to as the worm’s full moon.

You can check the time of rising of the moon in your area by Time and Date , and when the sky is clear, you can bathe in the radiance of the new season. Happy spring!


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