Prepare to Be the Person to Help With a Medical Emergency

Recently, as I stood in line at the checkout counter at a local grocery store, an unusual picture of a running employee caught my eye. I knew almost immediately that he was in a hurry to pick up the automatic external defibrillation (AED) device attached to the wall in front of my stripe. I am a nurse and I knew that the need for AED meant that someone was seriously ill in the store. Of course, I looked to my right and saw an unconscious elderly man on the ground.

I ran to the scene and was relieved to see that several passers-by had started artificial respiration, and the emergency services were already on their way. When I took chest compressions from another client, I introduced myself as a nurse. The client looked at me and said, “Oh, thank goodness, I didn’t know what to do when he passed out.” Together we shared the chest compression until the paramedics arrived to secure the scene. We also attached an AED device to the man’s chest.

The AED is an easy-to-use device that can analyze your heart rate and determine if the heart muscle should be returned to the electrical circuit. Many are familiar with the more traditional version used in hospitals. AED is designed for the average non-medical professional to help the cardiac arrest patient. With simple, straightforward instructions and voice prompts, the Good Samaritan can attach the device to the patient and follow the instructions.

After the ambulance left and I had time to sort out the situation, I realized that my medical training gives me confidence in emergencies and that a sudden emergency or accident can be dire for someone unfamiliar with medical equipment.

Fortunately, there are things that people without a formal medical background can do in an emergency that not only save precious seconds, but can also save lives:

Don’t be afraid to help if you see that someone needs urgent medical attention.

All states have Good Samaritan laws that protect those trying to provide reasonable medical care in an emergency. In the case of a man in my grocery store, one of the respondents said, “I was so afraid that I would do something wrong.” I assured her that the best thing she did was stop and try to offer help. While the result was not what we hoped, everything we did that day was aimed at saving a person’s life and you will never have a problem with the authorities for trying to help someone in trouble or danger.

If you can’t find the correct rhythm to compress your chest, start chanting. Yes indeed.

When we are in a panic or an emergency, it is natural to want to get things done faster. But in the case of chest compressions, indiscriminate pressure on the chest is not the best option. If you need to compress the chest of someone injured in an accident, take a deep breath and channel your inner John Travolta: start singing or humming the“Lost” tune and swing to the beat of the song. ( “Baby Shark” works here too.) It helps you stay focused until help arrives, and you can encourage others to sing along with you so you can stay in rhythm.

Find out where the AED is located in buildings you visit frequently.

We all have two or three buildings in which we spend a lot of time. Whether it’s your office building, your child’s school, or your local gym, most public places have AEDs. By taking the time to find your device, you will save valuable time in a real emergency. (Likewise, it’s a good idea to always keep an eye on the location of a fire extinguisher in places you frequent.) And take the time to think about the route you will have to take from your desk or your child’s classroom. so you are ready if needed. Every second counts.

While waiting for providers, note the time the incident started and try to obtain basic identifying information about the victim from the family.

The man in my grocery store was accompanied by his wife, and she was clearly upset to see her husband on the floor. The store employee helped her take a deep breath and we asked her to tell us about him: his name, his health, his profession. As she spoke, we wrote down information that could then be passed on to the paramedics when they arrived. Having this information available on arrival will help ensure that the patient can leave the scene as soon as possible.

Sign up for cardiopulmonary resuscitation lessons with a friend because you never know when an emergency is going to happen.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation lessons and techniques have changed a lot since we all learned to scream, “Annie, Annie, are you okay?” and life-saving breathing on a mannequin. Find a group of friends, sign up for a class at your local Red Cross office, and encourage others to brush up on the basics of first aid. The best gift you can give to those around you is an introduction to life saving measures.


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