How to Study Prostate Play

Mention the word “prostate” in a group of men and most of them will automatically think of the inconvenient doctor’s examinations of the prostate cancer to detect cancer. But the prostate can be so much more fun than that! The prostate is home to many nerve endings and is fun to play with and produces extremely powerful orgasms.

Before we go any further, let me turn to a common myth about prostate play: it’s not just gay people. Unfortunately, many heterosexual men are embarrassed to study anything about the ass. This taboo has diminished over the past few years, but is still woefully prevalent. Let me be clear: Experimenting and enjoying any kind of anal stimulation doesn’t tell you anything about your sexual orientation. All this means that nerve endings are functioning in your body, and you enjoy sensations that bring pleasure.

If you’re looking for a new experience, here’s everything you need to know about the prostate and how to please it.

What is prostate anyway?

The prostate is a small gland in the male reproductive system. It helps in the production and release of ejaculatory fluid. During arousal, the prostate swells with fluid, which it eventually excretes when a man ejaculates. The prostate is located just below the bladder and encloses the urethra. It is approximately 1 inch in diameter. The prostate is often referred to as the male G-spot, and in fact the two structures are homologous. Prostate stimulation can be very enjoyable, and many men say that orgasms from prostate stimulation are much more intense.

How to find a prostate

You cannot directly touch the prostate, but you can stimulate it through the walls of the rectum. It is located about 2-4 inches inside your body, on the side of your rectum closest to your belly. To find your prostate, you use the same movement as for the female G-spot. When lying on your back, insert your finger into your rectum, palm up, and use your finger in a “come here” movement. If this position is uncomfortable, try sitting down and bending over. You should feel a walnut-sized gland through the wall of your rectum.

If you’re nervous about examining your rectum, you can also stimulate your prostate through your perineum (the strip of skin between your testicles and anus). If you press hard (usually the easiest way to stretch this area with your joint), you can feel a pleasant sensation. It won’t be as intense as internal exploration as you will be stimulating it through more tissues, but it can still be good.

Start exploring your prostate

I recommend examining the prostate yourself first. If you are feeling squeamish, you can always look around in the shower to make cleaning easier. Or, you can use an anal shower beforehand to remove any traces of fecal matter from your rectum. Another option is to use a condom or finger glove. But to be honest, most people worry about cleanliness during anal play far more than they really need to. If after that you wash your hands and do not move your fingers from the anus to the vagina, everything will be fine.

Since the anus does not self-lubricate, you will need some lubricant. I highly recommend a silicone based lubricant as it lasts a long time and has a pleasant smooth feeling. You can even look for silicone based lubricants specifically made for anal play. It’s also a good idea to trim and file your nails beforehand and make sure you don’t have any burrs. There is nothing like a hangnail piercing your rectum to spoil the joy of playing with your prostate.

Prostate play usually seems much better when you’re already on, so start by spending a few minutes on your normal masturbation routine. When you feel relaxed and aroused, take one finger and very slowly insert it into your rectum. Focus on deep breathing and relaxation of the gluteus muscles. Gently loosen your finger a few inches until you feel the prostate through the rectal wall. Try to press lightly on your prostate and gradually increase this pressure until you find something you like.

When you first start stimulating your prostate, you may feel like you need to use the toilet. This is normal because the prostate is so close to the urethra and bladder. Sometimes the brain interprets pressure on the prostate as pressure on the bladder. You can release the stimulation, but the feeling of needing to urinate will subside over time.

Once you find your prostate, try a few different types of strokes, such as side-to-side, up and down, or kneading. You can also see if you enjoy playing with your prostate alone or in combination with other types of stimulation. Many men like to combine prostate stimulation with penile stimulation. You can also try simply pressing on the prostate, or combine the pressure with an inward and outward movement.

Teach Your Partner What You Like

Once you learn how to explore the prostate on your own, you can involve your partner as well. The same basic customization rules apply, such as trimming your nails and using a lubricant. It is usually easiest to lie on your back and have your partner sit between your legs or to the side of your thighs. If you are nervous, try first to get your partner to put pressure on your crotch. Then you can try getting your partner to do some internal research. Be sure to tell your partner to act slowly and find the pressure level that works best for you.

Once your partner has mastered the basics, you can also try running a fun team with your partner where they touch your prostate while you jerk off to yourself. Or they may touch your prostate while giving you a masturbation or blowjob.

Moving to the next level

If you enjoy playing with your prostate, you can take it a step further by including toys. There is one golden rule for any toy that goes up your ass: make sure it has an extended base! This means that the base of the toy is wider than the part that you insert into your butt. Your anal sphincters are quite strong and can suck in toys that don’t have this safety feature. Both LELO and Aneros have excellent lines of prostate toys.

You can also use prostate stimulation to experience an orgasm regardless of ejaculation. I wrote a separate article on this technique here . It can be a lot of fun and a great reward for examining the prostate.


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