Parents, Draw a Railroad Track on the Back of Your Shirt

Tired mums and dads, would you like to do more lying down parenting someday? This T-shirt, designed by Japanese software engineer Ken Kawamoto.

The front is a standard white T-shirt. Put on your hoodie, go to Starbucks and no one will know that you are an evil genius. The back is where the shine is. With a picture of a railroad sprawling across it, you simply give your horny kids toy cars, lay their bodies face down on the floor, and let them roll the wheels back and forth on the rails. Kawamoto calls the invention “A T-shirt That Gives You A Massage From Your Kids By Just Flopping On The Floor” – a name that is probably not the best for branding, but conveys an idea.

Check out the shirt in action here:

These clothes can be bought from this Japanese website , but of course you can also make them yourself by taking a black marker and drawing some marks on an old T-shirt. Then start “playing” with your children, you mean parent, you.


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