Eliminate Website Distractions With This Chrome Extension

Every time I sit down to do a large assignment or read a lot, I end up being extremely susceptible to distractions.

Yes, I want to read this 8000 word article, but also that dress in the ad next to the article looks pretty, and what is the story about? Maybe I’ll just click on this …

It’s hard not to get distracted. Chrome extension Just Read makes things easier. It has existed for some time, but for some reason we have not considered it. The extension allows you to grab the page you are viewing and then click to remove things that might distract you, such as ads, comments, or page style.

Think of it as an ad blocker on steroids. This is not foolproof. Nothing really stops you from opening Facebook in another tab or picking up your phone when you get to the second paragraph, but it might give you a little more chance to focus if you know you might be in trouble.

In addition to making it easier to read, the extension also offers the option to set the default to dark mode (personal preference) or change the theme using a graphical editor. To create the perfect theme for you. You can also use themes made by other people , some of which are pretty cool.


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