Don’t Believe the Hype About National Wine Day!

You dropped everything and changed your daily routine yesterday when you realized it was National Wine Drinks Day? Not? But maybe you (or someone you know) shared a meme or two featuring a giant wine glass. Because you deserve it.

Wine talk has become a shorthand for “I’ve had a long day and I’m giving up.” If you are a single woman and are sick of this crap of the world, you can joke about being with a cat and a box of wine tonight. If you’re a mom caring for an exhausting toddler all day without support or empathy from your partner, you can turn to Facebook and share a meme that it’s wine hour. It’s a way to express frustration with the world’s problems, big and small, without having to explain why you feel this way.

And so companies that want to sell products to people under stress (that is, all of us) have adopted this as a form of marketing. The product changes depending on the demographics: maybe instead of wine, it’s beer, or video games, or sheets. In any case, they encourage you to channel all your complex and justified emotions about the world into the desire to buy some shit.

So it comes as no surprise that the wine company is the “2019 exclusive sponsor” of the National Wine Day , as if four vocabulary words could come together and win sponsorship deals. And then, like any other national marketing day, it becomes a post on the local TV channel Facebook page because people love to talk about how stressed they are, how much they love to drink wine.

There are many things we could buy when looking for a way to avoid our problems. Novels, video games, subscribing to meditation apps – none of these do any major harm. On the other hand, there are alcoholic drinks.

As the writer Pixie Casey notes, alcohol is linked to an increasing number of deaths among young women. And we mentioned earlier that alcohol increases the risk of several types of cancer . The wine company, which currently owns the domain, says they want to “spread the love and health benefits of wine.” The wine also bears a danger to health.

And with wine companies volunteering their product as a crutch for solving your problems, they also help normalize some bad habits: drinking too often, drinking too much and being proud of how much you drink. In fact, if wine memes make you feel like being seen, you might be in trouble .


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