Tell Us About Your Public Transport Hacks

This week in Hack Your City, we are taking hacks not for one city, but for all. We need your advice on how to use public transport wherever you live. For instance! In New York, the free Staten Island ferry ride is a well-known alternative to the ride to the Statue of Liberty. But a less prized ride is theRoosevelt Island tram , for just $ 2.75 swipe your MetroCard.

We want to hear the very best about your local transportation. San Francisco has open-air cable cars. The Bay Area has a convenient drinking Caltrain. Portland has great views from the cable car. London has its own luxury double-decker buses. There is a hidden subway station in New York.

But we want to hear how you deal with the worst of things: which crowded stops you should converge on, which train lines you always avoid, how to use a slightly overdue bus pass, how to get a finicky turnstile to accept your fares. … And the worse the public transportation system in your city, the more we want to hear how you make it work for you.

We also want to hear your rules of etiquette, whether or not people in your city actually follow them. How is everyone doing so well on the Tokyo train? How should everyone behave on a bus in Chicago? How to survive in a tight transportation system without being a jerk?

What external tools do you use for traffic – which is the best app, map or other travel guide? And have you ever found a surprisingly good hobby on the train or ferry other than reading your phone?

Let us know in the comments and we’ll highlight the best tips, secrets, tricks, and tirades as they come in.


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